Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for my husband.  I have been sick this past week with a sinus infection, etc. and he has been taking great care of me!  He has let me sleep in, cooked me dinner, gone out to get dinner when we have had nothing in the house to cook, taken care of Oliver, gone on "slushie runs", and let me just relax and take naps...

Speaking of naps, I am thankful for them, too!  Since I have been under the weather I have taken 3+ hour naps on 3 of the last 6 days.  Two of the other days I took 2 hour naps.  Last night I took a 1.5 hour nap after work.  I fully intend to get some sort of nap time in tonight as well.  This baby growing business is tiring!  =)

I am thankful for my mom.  I am thankful that she is always just a phone call away.  I am thankful that she is also just a short drive away.  I am thankful that we will all be able to get together this weekend for Mother's Day.  Both of my grandmas will also be there, so that is pretty cool, too.

Speaking of Mother's Day, I would be VERY thankful if I were to be a "real" mother by then!  Baby Barto, please come out!!!

On a totally unrelated note, and in the category of "random".  I just read a news article about a pharmacy in Des Moines that got audited.  As it turns out, they have almost 750,000 pain pills that are unaccounted for over the past 4 years.  As a pharmacy they were dispensed almost 1.1 million pain pills, but have only dispensed just over 350,000 of those to patients.  Wowza!  I emailed my brother the link to this article...I hope he is a better counter than the pharmacist that ran this place!

I hope you have lots to be thankful for today!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thankful Thursday

As always, I have a lot to be thankful for today.

I am thankful for my body.  I realize that most 38+ week pregnant women are very not thankful for their bodies.  By the time you are this far along in your pregnancy, it's difficult to do normal, everyday things.  I have trouble putting my socks on and tying my shoes.  It's sometimes difficult to chase Oliver (our dog) around to put on his harness to take him outside.  When I walk Oliver, I no longer walk, I waddle.  Painting my toenails is pretty much out of the question.  Even leaning over the sink to do dishes or put on make-up is a challenge because this darn belly just gets in the way!  However not thankful I am for the size and shape of my body at this point in time, I am so thankful for the amazing amount of work that it has done and continues to do to create this baby that we will so thankfully be able to hold soon.  =)  I am thankful that my body has been able to nourish and grow this baby and that after the baby is born, it will continue to work to nourish and take care of the baby.  A woman's body is quite the amazing machine!

I am thankful that my pregnancy has gone as smoothly as it has.  Yes, I have had the little aches and pains that go along with pregnancy, but on the whole, I really cannot complain even though I have...a lot, lately.

I am thankful that Tae & I get to meet our little miracle in less than 3 weeks!  We cannot wait!

I am thankful for all of the friends and family that have shared in our excitement about baby Barto and who will, no doubt, be great supports to us as we raise this little guy or gal.

I am thankful for my husband.  He is just an all-around wonderful guy.  He works so hard every day to provide for our family, and he has always been supportive of me in all that I do.  I know he is going to be one heck of a dad!  =)

Lastly, and least importantly, I am thankful for chocolate and peanut butter.  3-month-from-now-Kimber will be less thankful for these things as she is trying to lose the extra weight that pregnant Kimber put on due to these two delicious ingredients.  Reese's peanut butter cups, Nutty Bars, Scotchoroos....yum, yum, yum!  =)

I hope you have the chance today to be reminded of all that you are thankful for!